Forskare från BTH ska studera hur människor i Tanzania arbetar med design och utveckling med syftet att öka deras förmåga att designa mer framgångsrika produkter. Projektet stöttas av Vetenskapsrådet och syftar till att stödja mikroföretag i…
Humanitär innovation vid BTH
Institutionen för Maskinteknik vid BTH har en stark forskningsprofil inom teknisk produktutveckling; hållbar produktinnovation, främst med koppling till områden som flyg, rymd, fordon, transport samt tillverkande industri i allmänhet. Sedan ett år tillbaka har profilen…
Evaluating Health Information Systems Using Ontologies
ABSTRACT Background: There are several frameworks that attempt to address the challenges of evaluation of health information systems by offering models, methods, and guidelines about what to evaluate, how to evaluate, and how to report the…
Simulation of digital pathology in networked mode
Within the ExDIN project the goal is to support the transition from analogue to digital pathology in healthcare via digitalization of the imaging screening process. BTH had a project presentation in the VINNOVA-funded project that displayed the possibilities with…
Wellbeing project in course
Using their achieved engineering skills to solve real challenges from real industrial companies is an important and inspiring challenge for the almost ready engineering students and a central part of the “In Real Life” mantra…
Social Inkludering och Tillväxt i Blekinge | 2016-2018
Syftet är att starta en inkubator för arbetsintegrerande sociala företag i Blekinge. Verksamheten ska finnas i Karlskrona, Ronneby och Karlshamn. Resultatet förväntas bli fler entreprenörer, stärkt entreprenörskap och i förlängningen ökad tillväxt i Blekinge. Mål: …
Digital health technology workshop
A workshop on digital health, with focus on how technology may assist personal wellness was arranged within SICAHT (Swedish Innovation Center for Applied Health Technology) at Hyper Island. Professor Tobias Larsson and entrepreneur Sebastian Sjöberg (QHelf) ran…
Designing with Priorities and Thresholds for Health Care…
Research paper published at International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED 2015, Design for Life, Milan, Italy, 27-30 July, 2015.
Health technology visit at Ricoh in Japan
Associate Professor Sharon Kao-Walter visited RICOH in Tokyo, Japan, in order to get updated on their recent plans for the area of applied health technology. During the visit there also were discussions on the close…