Ett vanligt problem för personer med funktionsnedsättningar som sitter i rullstol är att komma ut på arbetsmarknaden. Syftet med projektet var att anpassa en skurmaskin så att den går att köras och hanteras av personer…
LARM system – At home monitoring system
Challenge: To help creative innovative solutions for Landstinget Blekinge for patients to get at home healthcare / solutions for mobile teams. Solution: Sensors that collect data from the user and communicate to the user via an…
Test-arena Blekinge – Behandling på distans
SyfteHjärt- och kärlsjukdomar är den vanligaste dödsorsaken i Sverige, både hos kvinnor och hos män. Ungefär hälften av västvärldens befolkning insjuknar och dör i någon av dessa sjukdomar. I Sverige har 12 procent av befolkningen…
Evaluating Health Information Systems Using Ontologies
ABSTRACT Background: There are several frameworks that attempt to address the challenges of evaluation of health information systems by offering models, methods, and guidelines about what to evaluate, how to evaluate, and how to report the…
Effective analysis within medical imaging using collaboration based…
Objective: Medical imaging is facing major challenges. The demographic and geographic structure needs to be addressed with new approaches and services. Digitalisation has been ongoing for over 10 years, but there is still great potential…
Center for TeleMedicine – Sustainable products and services…
PROJECT SUMMARY The project will provide a cost-effective development of sustainable e-health related services and products. This should be done by various pilot project demonstrators to create realistic scenarios. Primarily this is done for the…
NeedInn – Need Centered Product Innovation within E-health…
Needfinding process in NeedInn (swedish) PROJECT SUMMARY Needfinding and innovation are the keywords of NeedInn. The goal for NeedInn is to create a method, a working process, which contributes to a need centered product development…
INTELiCare | 2003-2004
PROJECT BRIEF When: 2003-2004 (finalized) What: Intel's Proactive Health project is seeking creative technology designs and demonstration prototypes in two primary areas: social health monitoring and support (SHMS) and daily routine monitoring and management (DRMM).…